Sustainable MICE Event Practices: An Explorative Study


  • Raden Ayu Trisnayoni Melali MICE
  • I Putu Astawa Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Ketut Sutama Politeknik Negeri Bali



event, event organizer, MICE, environmental sustainability




Purpose: This research aims to provide insight into sustainable event practices implemented by Melali MICE as one of the largest event organizers in Bali, Indonesia.

Research methods: The research uses a qualitative approach. The sampling used is purposive. The informant selected as a sample is considered to know the sustainability and organizing of the event. Data collection using in-depth interview methods and participatory observations of the event at Melali MICE.

Results and discussion: The cost is high to meet the needs of a green environment and to meet the demands of clients who are not environmentally friendly. This makes Melali MICE less likely to implement sustainability practices in the events they organize

Implication: Planning for environmentally friendly events is needed to prepare for pre-event, event and post-event consistently implement sustainability practices.


Keywords: event, event organizer, MICE, environmental sustainability.




How to Cite

Raden Ayu Trisnayoni, I Putu Astawa, & I Ketut Sutama. (2022). Sustainable MICE Event Practices: An Explorative Study. International Journal of Travel, Hospitality and Events, 1(1), 74–82.

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