Perhitungan Jumlah Room Attendant Terhadap Waktu Pembersihan Kamar Di Housekeeping Department Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat


  • Murhadi Politeknik Sahid
  • Febrince Nggelan Politeknik Sahid


Calculation Amount, Cleaning Time, Room Attendant, guest rooms


Calculation of Total Room Attendant Against Time Room Cleaning Housekeeping Department at the Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to determine the required amount of Room Attendant at the first shift to clean rooms at a time anda certain occupancy level. The method use disdescriptive quantitative. The population in this study are employees Room Section in the Housekeeping Department Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok. The sampling technique use dissaturated sampling that is part of then on-probability sampling that all employees Room Sectionin the Housekeeping Department.Data collection techniques by using observation, interview and literature study. Data analysis method used is the method of calculation to determine the amount XYZ Room Attendantin 1 day shifts. Based on the calculation son February 21, 2015 has donethe Sheraton Senggig iBeach Resort Lombok to determine the number Room Attendant needed to clear the 154 rooms in onedaywith an averageoccupancy rate of 89% in one day and productive time to clean the room as much as 8 hours on the first shift takes 7 Room Attendant, while in theory there should be required 9 Room Attendant.




How to Cite

Murhadi, & Febrince Nggelan. (2017). Perhitungan Jumlah Room Attendant Terhadap Waktu Pembersihan Kamar Di Housekeeping Department Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat. Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, 1(1), 54–65. Retrieved from