Marketing Mix Implementation Of Food And Beverage At Pool Bar Canggu Dream Village


  • I Gede Krisna Mahendra Putra Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Nyoman Mastiani Nadra Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Ni Gusti Nyoman Suci Murni Politeknik Negeri Bali


Implementation, Marketing Mix, Food and Beverage


This study aims to determine the application of the marketing mix to food and beverage sales at the Canggu Dream Village pool bar. The problem described in this study is how much effort has been made by the Food & Beverage Department and sales & marketing in increasing the sales of food and beverages at the Canggu Dream Village pool bar. This research was conducted on the food & beverage department and sales & marketing, namely FB managers and sales marketing managers who were taken using purposive sampling techniques, namely people who were considered to know the application of the marketing mix carried out in Canggu Dream Village. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive qualitative analysis which describes information from interviews and relates it to theories that support the discussion related to the marketing mix conducted by Canggu Dream Village. The results obtained are that the marketing mix carried out in Canggu Dream Village, especially in the fb department, is quite good, but has shortcomings in the elements of human resources and promotion. The effort that can be done is to add human resources to help promote increased product sales, namely food and beverages that are owned, namely in the people mix element (people) there are limitations to the marketing team, if the Canggu Dream Village adds human resources to assist in handling requests that arise come from consumers and help promote the sale of food and beverages owned by the pool bar.




How to Cite

Krisna Mahendra Putra, I. G., Nadra, N. M., & Suci Murni, N. G. N. (2021). Marketing Mix Implementation Of Food And Beverage At Pool Bar Canggu Dream Village. Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, 6(3), 150–161. Retrieved from