Hypercapitalism and Product Commodification through Digital-based Marketing Communications in Komodo National Park


  • Lusia Vreyda Adveni Politeknik Sahid
  • Geofakta Razali Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI




hypercapitalism, commodification, digital marketing, eco-tourism, Komodo National Park



Purpose: This research aims to analyze the value of hypercapitalism and product commodification through marketing communication strategies in one of Indonesia's flagship eco-tourism named Komodo National Park. 

Research methods: The approach used in this study is to review the literature review and conduct in-depth interviews with tourism players in Komodo National Park (KNP).

Results and discussion: The results showed that KNP eco-tourism is still ongoing as the renewal and development of information technology affect digital marketing in the tourism sector.

Implication: It is hoped that all parties and stakeholders involved in KNP eco-tourism can assume that the main motivation for development is not only profit by sacrificing marine ecosystems and destroying existing habitats.

Keywords: hypercapitalism, commodification, digital marketing, eco-tourism, Komodo National Park.




How to Cite

Lusia Vreyda Adveni, & Geofakta Razali. (2022). Hypercapitalism and Product Commodification through Digital-based Marketing Communications in Komodo National Park . International Journal of Travel, Hospitality and Events, 1(2), 140–149. https://doi.org/10.56743/ijothe.v1i2.14